Wild Flower Reports

Other Reports


KEY: JSB=Just Starting to Bloom; APB=Approaching Peak Bloom; *=At Peak Bloom; BP=Beyond Peak; AG=Almost Gone


TURKEY PEN TRAIL (B-E): MANY BLOOMS—Curtis Aster*, Great Lobelia*, Erect Goldenrod (BP), White Snake Root*, White Top Aster (various stages), Whitewood Aster (BP).  SOME BLOOMS—White Goldenrod.  FEW BLOOMS—Hearts-a-busting (BP), Indian Plantain (BP), Pilewort, Southern Harebell (BP), Star Grass.

SCHOOL HOUSE GAP TRAIL (B TO TURKEY PEN TRAIL): MANY BLOOMS—Great Goldenrod*.  SOME BLOOMS—Curtis Aster*, Erect Goldenrod (BP), Whitewood Aster*.  FEW BLOOMS—Heal All (BP), White Top Aster*, White Turtlehead (JSB). 

BOTE MOUNTAIN TRAIL (B TO FINELY CANE TRAIL): MANY BLOOMS—Great Lobelia*.  SOME BLOOMS—Curtis Aster*, Erect Goldenrod (BP), Great Goldenrod*, White Top Aster (BP).  FEW BLOOMS—Grass-Leaf Golden Aster*, Hearts-a-busting (BP). 

FINELY CANE (B-E): SOME BLOOMS—Erect Goldenrod (BP), White Top Aster (BP), White Snake Root (APB).



LUMBER RIDGE TRAIL (B–E): MANY BLOOMS—Curtis Aster*, Curtiss Milkwort*, Erect Goldenrod (BP), Great Lobelia (various stages), Narrow Leaf White Top Aster*, Whitewood Aster*.  SOME BLOOMS—Grass-leaf Golden Aster*, Great Goldenrod*, Indian Pipe (BP), Southern Harebell (BP), White Snake Root*.  FEW BLOOMS—False Fox Glove, Hearts-a-busting (BP), Indian Plantain (BP), Mountain Gentian (JSB), Reclining Saint Andrews Cross (BP), White Golden Rod.



CHESTNUT TOP TRAIL (B-E): MANY BLOOMS—Curtis Aster*, Curtis Milkwort (BP), Erect Goldenrod – Many (BP), False Fox Glove*, White Top Aster*, Whitewood Aster*.  SOME BLOOMS—Indian Pipe (BP), Pale Jewelweed*, White Goldenrod.  FEW BLOOMS—Giant Goldenrod (BP), Great Lobelia (BP), Hearts-a-busting (BP), Indian Plantain (BP), Pokeweed*, White Snakeroot (JSB).



RICH MOUNTAIN LOOP TRAIL (B-E): MANY BLOOMS—Curtis Aster*, Erect Goldenrod (BP), White Top Aster*, Wingstem (BP).  SOME BLOOMS—Great Lobelia (various stages), Whitewood Aster*.  FEW BLOOMS—False Fox Glove, Heal All (BP), Southern Harebell (BP).

CROOKED ARM TRAIL (B-E): MANY BLOOMS—Curtis Aster*, Erect Goldenrod (BP), Great Lobelia*, Southern Harebell (BP), White Top Aster*, Whitewood Aster*.  FEW BLOOMS—False Fox Glove, Reclining Saint Andrews Cross (BP). NOTES—Do not recall seeing this many Great Lobelia on a trail before.




TRILLIUM GAP TRAIL (FROM ROARING FORKS MOTOR TRAIL TO TRILLIUM GAP): MANY BLOOMS—Erect Goldenrod (BP), Pale Jewelweed*, White Snake Root (ABP), White Top Aster*, Whitewood Aster*.  SOME BLOOMS—Black Cohosh (BP), Pink Turtlehead*.  FEW BLOOMS—Heal All (BP), Joe Pye Weed (AG). NOTES—Some of the Witch Hobble are changing to their fall wardrobe and are becoming very beautiful.



WEST PRONG TRAIL (B-E): MANY BLOOMS—White Snake Root (JSB), White Top Aster (APB), Whitewood Aster*.  SOME BLOOMS—Early Goldenrod (BP), Great Lobelia*, Southern Harebell (BP).  FEW BLOOMS—Curtis Aster (JSB), Hearts–A–busting*, Pale Jewelweed*, Tick Trefoil (AG).  NOTES—Some of the foliage of the blueberry bushes and sourwood trees are changing to their autumn colors.



ACE GAP TRAIL (B TO OLD CAMPSITE #7): MANY BLOOMS—False Fox Glove (APB), Golden Rod (BP), Southern Harebell (various stages), Tick Trefoil (BP).  SOME BLOOMS—Coreopsis*, Curtis Aster (JSB), Hog Peanut*, White Top Aster (JSB).  FEW BLOOMS—Curtiss Milkwort (AG), Indian Plantain (BP).  NOTES—Some of the Blueberry plants’ foliage is changing to their fall wardrobe.


LOW GAP TRAIL (B to Low Gap): MANY BLOOMS—Coreopsis*, Filmy Angelica*, Pale Jewelweed*, White Snake Root (various stages), White Top Aster*.  SOME BLOOMS— Erect Goldenrod (JSB), Wild Golden Glow (BP), Wood Nettle (BP).  FEW BLOOMS—Doll Eyes, Heal All*, Indian Plantain (AG), Southern Harebell (BP).

APPALACHIAN TRAIL (From Low Gap to Mt. Cammerer Trail): MANY BLOOMS—Coreopsis*, Erect Goldenrod*, Filmy Angelica*, Pale Jewelweed*, White Top Aster*.  SOME BLOOMS—Whitewood Aster*,Wood Nettle*.  FEW BLOOMS—Crimson Bee Balm (AG), Pink Turtlehead*, Southern Harebell (BP).

MOUNT CAMMERER TRAIL (B-E): MANY BLOOMS—Filmy Angelica*, Pale Jewelweed*, White Snake Root*. SOME BLOOMS—Erect Goldenrod*, Whitewood Aster (APB).  NOTES—A good number of honey bees were on the flowers especially at Low Gap. The status of the blooms varies with the significant elevation differences.



METCALF BOTTOMS TRAIL (B-E): SOME BLOOMS—Southern Harebell (AG).  FEW BLOOMS—Flowering Spurge*, Iron Weed (JSB), Joe Pye Weed (BP).

WALKER SISTERS CABIN TRAIL (B-E): MANY BLOOMS—Heal All (BP), Ragweed*, Spotted Jewelweed (BP), Tick Trefoil (BP), Wild Golden Glow*.  SOME BLOOMS—Blue Phlox*, Cardinal Flower (APB), Flat Top Aster (APB), Flowering Spurge*, Golden Rod (BP), Great Lobelia (JSB), Joe Pye Weed (BP), Rosebay Rhododendron*, Southern Harebell (BP).  FEW BLOOMS—Field Thistle*, Thimbleweed (BP).  NOTES—Many of the flowers mentioned above were around the Walker Sisters Cabin.

LITTLE BRIER TRAIL (B-E): SOME BLOOMS—Wild Golden Glow*.  FEW BLOOMS—Cardinal Flower (APB), Heal All (BP).



OLD SUGARLANDS TRAIL (B-E): MANY BLOOMS—Cardinal Flower*, Coreopsis*, Erect Goldenrod*, False Fox (APB), Heal All*, Phlox, Southern Harebell (BP), Tick Trefoil (BP).  SOME BLOOMS—Daisy Fleabane (BP), Indian Plantain (BP), Joe Pye Weed (BP), Red Clover*. NOTES—The Cardinal Flower is right at peak bloom—brilliant red—and really stands out in the sunlight. For those that prefer not to walk far we suggest coming in from Cherokee Orchard Road.



RAINBOW FALLS TRAIL TO THE FALLS: MANY BLOOMS—Coreopsis (BP), Erect Goldenrod (JSB), False Fox Glove (various stages), Pale Jewelweed (APB),  Southern Harebell*, White top Aster (JSB), Wild Golden Glow, Wood Nettle (BP).  SOME BLOOMS—Indian Plantain (BP), Pink Trefoil (BP), Whitewood Aster (JSB).  FEW BLOOMS—Black Cohost (BP), Daisy Fleabane (BP), Filmy Angelica (APB), Goldenrod, Indian Pipe (BP), Joe Pye Weed (JSB), Pink Turtlehead*, Tall Bellflower (BP).



ABRAMS FALLS TRAIL (B TO THE FALLS): MANY BLOOMS— Flowering Spurge*, Reclining Saint Andrews Cross (BP).  SOME BLOOMS— Coreopsis*, False Fox Glove, Southern Hare Bell*.  FEW BLOOMS—Curtis Aster (JSB), Indian Plantain (JSB), Tick Trefoil (BP), Valerian (AG), White Top Aster (AG), Wild Sensitive Plant. NOTE—Yellowjackets near the first-foot log bridge.



PORTER CREEK TRAIL (B-E): MANY BLOOMS—Heal All*.  SOME BLOOMS— Rosebay Rhododendron (AG), Wood Nettle (various stages).  FEW BLOOMS—Canadian Violet (BP), Crimson Bee Balm (BP), Erect Goldenrod (JSB), Horse Nettle (BP), Indian Plantain (BP), Pale Jewelweed (JSB), Pokeweed (JSB), Rattlesnake Plantain*, Reclining Saint Andrews Cross (AG), Tall Bell Flower (BP).


MEIGS MOUNTAIN TRAIL (BETWEEN JAKES CREEK & CURRY MT. TRAILS): SOME BLOOMS—Heal All*, Reclining Saint Andrews Cross*, Rosebay Rhododendron (BP), Wood Nettle (BP).  FEW BLOOMS—Black Cohosh (BP), Coreopsis*, Doll Eyes, Golden Rod (JSB), Indian Plantain (JSB), Indian Pipe*, Mountain St. John’s Wort, Rattlesnake Plantain*.  NOTE—The trail between campsite 20 and the Curry Mountain Trail has sections overgrown with vegetation and briers.



LOWER MOUNT CAMMERER TRAIL TO CAMPSTIE #35: MANY BLOOMS—Rosebay Rhododendron (various stages).  SOME BLOOMS—Coreopsis*, Heal All*, Narrow Leaf White Top Aster*, Turk Cap Lily*, Wood Nettle (BP).  FEW BLOOMS—Crimson Bee Balm (BP), Indian Pipe*, Rattlesnake Plantain*, Saint John’s Wort (JSB), Star Grass*, Summer Sweet (BP), Thimbleweed (BP), Tick Trefoil (BP), Wood Mint (BP).



RICH MOUNTAIN RD. FROM BOUNDARY TO INDIAN GRAVE TRAIL: MANY BLOOMS—Black Cohosh (BP), Coreopsis (BP),  Flowering*, Mountain Angelica (APB), Phlox (APB), Rosebay Rhododendron (various stages),  Tick Trefoil*.  SOME BLOOMS— Black Eye Susan*, Daisy Fleabane (BP), Mountain Mint*, Spotted Jewelweed (JSB), Narrow Leaf White Top Aster (APB),  Tall Bellflower (BP), Wood Nettle (BP).  FEW BLOOMS—Basil Bee Balm (BP), Canadian Violet*, Hairy Ruellia*, Heal All*,  Mountain St. John’s Wort (BP), Ox-Eye Daisy (BP), Queen Ann’s Lace*, Reclining Saint Andrews Cross (APB), Red Clover*, Spiderwort (BP), Wild Hydrangea*.

INDIAN GRAVE TRAIL (FROM RICH MT. RD. TO RICH MT. TRAIL): MANY BLOOMS—Black Cohosh (BP), Reclining Saint Andrews Cross*.  SOME BLOOMS—Basil Bee Balms (BP),Coreopsis*, Flowering Spurge (APB), Indian Pipe*, Narrow Leaf White Top Aster (APB), Rosebay Rhododendron (various stages), Spiderwort (BP), Wood Nettle (BP).  FEW BLOOMS—Canadian Violet (AG), Daisy Fleabane (BP), Heal All*, Mountain St. John’s Wort (BP), Red Clover*, Valerian (BP), Yellow Wood Sorrell (BP).

RICH MOUNTAIN TRAIL (B-E): MANY BLOOMS—Black Cohosh (BP), Narrow Leaf White Top Aster*, Phlox (APB), Rosebay Rhododendron (various stages), SOME BLOOMS—Basil Bee Balm (BP), Coreopsis (BP), False Fox Glove (JSB), Sourwood (APB), Tick Trefoil*.  FEW BLOOMS—Early Goldenrod (JSB), Star Grass*, Tall Bellflower (BP), Wood Nettle (BP).



LEAD COVE TRAIL (B-E): SOME BLOOMS—Basil Bee Balm (BP), Rosebay Rhododendron (various stages), Wood Nettle (BP).  FEW BLOOMS—Queen Ann’s Lace*, Rattlesnake Plantain (JSB), Reclining St. Andrews Cross (APB), Valerian (AG).

BOTE MOUNTAIN TRAIL (FROM LEAD COVE TRAIL TO FINELY CANE TRAIL): MANY BLOOMS—Coreopsis (BP).  SOME BLOOMS—Basil Bee Balm (BP), Mountain Saint John’s Wort (APB), Narrow Leaf White Top Aster (JSB), Rosebay Rhododendron (various stages). FEW BLOOMS—Daisy Fleabane (BP), Heal All*, Horse Nettle (BP), Rattlesnake Plantain (JSB), Reclining St. Andrews Cross*, Star Grass*, Tick Trefoil (JSB), White Clover (BP).

FINELY CANE TRAIL (B-E): MANY BLOOMS—Basil Bee Balm (BP).  SOME BLOOMS—Rosebay Rhododendron (various stages).  FEW BLOOMS—Reclining Saint Andrews Cross (JSB).



 LUMBER RIDGE TRAIL TO THE TOP OF LUMBER RIDGE: SOME BLOOMS—Narrow Leaf White Top Aster (APB), Rosebay Rhododendron (BP).  FEW BLOOMS—Black Cohosh (BP), Black Eyed Susan*, Coreopsis*, Heal All (BP), Indian Pipe*, Star Grass*, Tick Trefoil, White Clover (BP).



WEST PRONG TRAIL (B-E): SOME BLOOMS—Rosebay Rhododendron (various stages), White Top Aster–Narrow leaf (JSB), Wood Nettle*.  NOTES—No rhododendron blooms for the first mile, and then they were scattered here and there.


MIDDLE PRING TRAIL: MANY BLOOMS—Heal All*.  SOME BLOOMS—Crimson Bee Balm (various stages), Rosebay Rhododendron (various stages), Wild Hydrangea (BP), Wood Nettle*.  FEW BLOOMS—Daisy Fleabane (BP).



COOPER ROAD TRAIL (B to HATCHER MOUNTAIN TRAIL): MANY BLOOMS—Wild Hydrangea (various stages). SOME BLOOMS—Coreopsis (JSB), Leather Base Vine (BP), Red Clover (BP), Rosebay Rhododendron (various stages), Spiderwort (BP), White Clover (BP), White Top Aster (JSB).  FEW BLOOMS—Black Cohosh (AG), Heal All (JSB), Horse Nettle (BP), Japanese Honeysuckle (BP), Ox-Eye Daisy (BP), Star Grass*, Trumpet Creeper (BP), Valerian (BP).  NOTES—Leather Base Vine was only along the road between the Abrams Creek Ranger Station and the campground, but the blooms are top quality.  They are on the left of the road when headed toward the campground—about eye height. There are only a few Rosebay Rhododendron blooms; however, about 6/10 of a mile up the trail there are a number of blooms on both sides of the trail.

HATCHER MOUNTAIN TRAIL (FROM COOPER ROAD TRAIL TO LITTLE BOTTOMS TRAIL): MANY BLOOMS—New Jersey Tea (various stages), Star Grass*, White Top Aster–narrow leaf Many (JSB), Wild Hydrangea (various stages).  SOME BLOOMS—Coreopsis (JSB), Flame Azalea (APB).  FEW BLOOMS—Hawkweed (BP), Reclining St. Andrews Cross (JSB), Rosebay Rhododendron (JSB), Saint John’s Wort (JSB), Valerian (BP), White Top Clover (BP).

LITTLE BOTTOMS TRAIL (B-E): MANY BLOOMS—New Jersey Tea*, Reclining Saint Andrews Cross (JSB), White Top Aster–narrow leaf (JSB), Wild Hydrangea (various stages).  SOME BLOOMS—Coreopsis (JSB).  FEW BLOOMS—Butterfly Weed*, Hawkweed (BP), Rosebay Rhododendron (various stages).



LITTLE RIVER TRAIL (B TO CUCUMBER GAP TRAIL): MANY BLOOMS—Wild Hydrangea (various stages).  SOME BLOOMS—Rosebay Rhododendron, Wood Nettle*.  FEW BLOOMS—Black Cohosh (AG), Crimson Bee Balm, Loosestrife (BP).

CUCUMBER GAP TRAIL (B-E): SOME BLOOMS—Crimson Bee Balm (JSB), Wild Hydrangea (BP).  FEW BLOOMS—Wood Nettle*. NOTE—A few Rosebay Rhododendron buds here and there.

JAKES CREEK TRAIL (B TO CUCUMBER GAP TRAIL): SOME BLOOMS—Wild Hydrangea (BP).  FEW BLOOMS—Crimson Bee Balm (APB), Daisy Fleabane (BP).



FIRST HALF OF THE ROUNDTOP TRAIL: MANY BLOOMS—Valerian (BP), Wild Hydrangea*.  SOME BLOOMS—Flame Azalea*, Spiderwort (BP).  FEW BLOOMS—Coreopsis (JSB), Daisy Fleabane (BP), Goats Beard (AG), Indian Pipe (BP),New Jersey Tea*, Ox Eyed Daisy (BP), Red *, Star Grass*.  NOTES—On the first half-mile of the trail there are two plants loaded with pink blooms that look like rose pinks. Smoky Mountains Wildflowers say rose pinks don’t bloom until August and September, but if these aren’t rose pinks I don’t know what they are.



APPALACHIAN TRAIL (FROM NEWFOUND GAP TO ICE WATER SPRINGS): MANY BLOOMS—Yellow Beaded Lily*.  SOME BLOOMS—Blackberry*, Prostate Bluet.  FEW BLOOMS—Daisy Fleabane (BP), Wood Anemone (various stages).  NOTE—I did not see one single Catawba Rhododendron bloom and only five buds—normally they should be blooming at this time of year on that trail. The mid to late summer wildflowers are not blooming at this time.



LEAD COVE TRAIL (B-E): MANY BLOOMS—Canadian Violets (BP), Galax (BP), Mountain Laurel (various stages), Partridge Berry*, Valerian*, Wild Hydrangea (JSB).  SOME BLOOMS—Flame Azalea*, Goats Beard*, Hawkweed (BP).  FEW BLOOMS—Indian Pipe (BP), Rue Anemone.

BOTE MOUNTAIN TRAIL (FROM LEAD COVE TRAIL TO ANTHONY CREEK TRAIL): MANY BLOOMS—Canadian Violet*, Galax (various stages), Mountain Laurel (various stages).  SOME BLOOMS—Hawkweed (BP), Valerian*.  FEW BLOOMS—Golden Ragwort (BP), Star Grass*.

ANTHONY CREEK TRAIL (FROM BOTE MT. TRAIL TO CRIB GAP TRAIL): MANY BLOOMS—Canadian Violet (various stages), Galax (BP), Mountain Laurel (BP), Wild Hydrangea (JSB).  SOME BLOOMS—Blackberry (BP), Partridge Berry*, Valerian*, White Clover*.  FEW BLOOMS—Foam Flower (AG), Prostate Bluet (AG), Starry Campion (BP).

CRIB GAP TRAIL (FROM ANTHONY CREEK TRAIL TO TURKEY PEN TRAIL): MANY BLOOMS—Mountain Laurel (BP).  SOME BLOOMS—Goats Beard*, White Clover*, Wild Hydrangea (JSB).  FEW BLOOMS—Basil Bee Balm (JSB), Galax (BP), Hawkweed (BP), Valerian*.  NOTE—There was a non-aggressive bear beside the trail near the end of Crib Gap.



CHESTNUT TOP TRAIL (B-E): MANY BLOOMS—Galax (BP), Mountain Laurel (BP), Partridge*, Valerian*, Wild Hydrangea*.  SOME BLOOMS—Flame Azalea (APB), Hawkweed*, Star Grass*. FEW BLOOMS—Daisy Fleabane (BP), Loosestrife*, Pipsissewa (APB), Purple Flowering Raspberry (AG), Rosebay Rhododendron.

MAY 31

CURRY MOUNTAIN TRAIL (B-E): MANY BLOOMS—Galax*. Mountain Laurel (various stages), Partridge Berry*.  SOME BLOOMS—Bar Cucumber (BP), Indian Pipe*.  FEW BLOOMS—Blackberry (AG), Daisy Fleabane (BP), Flame Azalea (BP), Four Leaf Milkweed*, Red Clover*, Solomon’s Seal, Sweet Shrub (various stages), White Clover.  NOTES—The display of Mountain Laurel blooms is well beyond outstanding, especially with a bright blue sky in the background.  A real treat to see.


MAY 26

JAKES CREEK TRAIL (B-E): MANY BLOOMS—Bar Cucumber (various stages), Blackberry (various stages), Blue Eye Grass, Canadian Violet (various stages), Common Cinquefoil *, Foam Flower (various stages), Wood Sorrel*.  SOME BLOOMS—Daisy Fleabane (BP) Dog Hobble (BP), Indian Cucumber Root (BP), Mountain Angelica*, Partridge Berry*, Prostate Bluets (BP), Sweet White Violet (various stages).  FEW BLOOMS—Alternate Leaf Dogwood,  Brook Lettuce (BP), Golden Ragwort (AG), Lyre Leaf Sage (AG), Meadow Parsnip (BP), Mountain Laurel (various stages), Mountain Leaf Viburnum (BP), Squaw Root (AG), Sweet Shrub (BP), Tassel Rue (BP), Valerian*, Wild Phlox (BP).


MAY 24

CHESTNUT BRANCH TRAIL (B-E): MANY BLOOMS—Mountain Laurel*, Daisy Fleabane (BP), Partridge Berry*.  SOME BLOOMS—Bar Cucumber (BP), Blackberry (BP), Common Cinquefoil*, Galax (JSB), Hawkweed Slightly (BP), Solomon’s Seal (BP), Valerian*, Wild Geranium (BP).  FEW BLOOMS—Indian Cucumber Root (BP), Spiderwort*, Star Chickweed (BP), Star Grass*, Sweet White Violet (BP).

APPALACHIAN TRAIL (FROM CHESTNUT BRANCH TRAIL TO DAVENPORT GAP): MANY BLOOMS—Mountain Laurel*.  SOME BLOOMS—False Solomon’s Seal*, Flame*, Indian Cucumber Root (BP), Partridge Berry*.  FEW BLOOMS—Blue Eye Grass *, Canadian Violet (BP), Common Cinquefoil*, Crested Dwarf Iris, Galax (various stages), Maple Leaf Viburnum*, Meadow Parsnip (AG), Nodding Trillium, Rue Anemone (BP), Solomon’s Seal*, Squaw Root (AG), Sweet Cicely (BP), Sweet White Violet (AG), Tassel Rue (AG), Wild Geranium (BP), Yellow Trillium.

STATE ROUTE 32 (FROM DAVENPORT GAP TO BIG CREEK): MANY BLOOMS—Daisy Fleabane*, Hawkweed (various stages), Hispid Buttercup*, Mountain Laurel*.  SOME BLOOMS—Golden Ragwort*, Lyre Leaf Sage (BP), Red Clover*, White Clover*.  FEW BLOOMS—Blackberry (BP), Blue Eye Grass*, Galax*.


MAY 21

METHCALF BOTTOMS TRAIL (B-E): MANY BLOOMS—Bar Cucumber (BP), Blackberry (BP), Mountain Laurel*.  SOME BLOOMS—Hawkweed*, Lyre Leaf Sage (BP), Sweet Shrub (BP), Valerian *.  FEW BLOOMS—Blue Eye Grass, Common Cinquefoil*, Dog Hobble (AG), Galax (JSB), Sweet White Violet (BP), White Clover*, Wild Geranium (BP), Yellow Trillium (BP). 

WALKER SISTERS CABIN TRAIL (B-E): MANY BLOOMS—Blackberry (BP), Daisy Fleabane (various stages), Hawkweed*, Lyre Leaf Sage (BP), Mountain Laurel*.  SOME BLOOMS—Bar Cucumber Most (BP), Canadian Violet (BP), Robins Plantain (AG), Sweet Shrub (BP), Valerian*,  White Clover*, Wild Geranium (BP).  FEW BLOOMS—Bowman’s Root (BP), Flame Azalea (BP), Golden Ragwort*, Hispid Buttercup*, Multi-flora Rose (BP), Red Clover*, Wood Vetch (BP), Yellow Trillium (BP).

NOTES: No buds were found on rhododendrons on these trails, some were sprouting new leaves.


MAY 20

LITTLE RIVER TRAIL (B TO HUSKEY GAP TRAIL): MANY BLOOMS—Blackberry*, Canadian Violet Slight (BP), Lyre Leaf Sage (BP).  SOME BLOOMS—Bar Cucumber (BP), Common Cinquefoil*, Daisy Fleabane (BP), Dog Hobble (BP), Meadow Parsnip (BP), Stone Crop*, Sweet Shrub (BP).    FEW BLOOMS—Alternate Leaf Dogwood (JSB), Brook Lettuce (BP), Golden Ragwort (AG), Mountain Laurel (various stages), Sweet Cicely (BP), Trillium Erect, Umbrella Leaf (AG), Yellow Trillium (AG).

HUSKEY GAP TRAIL (FROM LITTLE RIVER TRAIL TO HUSKEY GAP): MANY BLOOMS—Bar Cucumber (various stages), Blackberry*, Meadow Parsnip*, Mountain Laurel (various stages), Star Grass*, Sweet Shrub (BP), Vasey Trillium (BP).  SOME BLOOMS—Canadian Violet (BP), Common Cinquefoil*, Dog Hobble (BP), Hawkweed *, Valerian (JSB), Wild Geranium (BP).  FEW BLOOMS—Common Blue Violet, Doll Eyes, Galax (JSB), Hispid Butter Cup (BP), Indian Cucumber Root (various stages), Lousewort (AG), Robins Plantain (AG), Stone Crop*, Yellow Trillium (AG).

SUGARLAND MOUNTAIN TRAIL (B TO HUSKEY GAP): MANY BLOOMS—Blackberry*, Hawkweed *, Mountain Laurel (various stages), Star Grass*, Wild Geranium (BP).  SOME BLOOMS—Flame Azalea (various stages), Galax (JSB), Maple Leaf Viburnum*, Sweet Shrub (BP), Sweet White Violet*.  FEW BLOOMS—Star Chickweed, Valerian (JSB).


MAY 17

TURKEY PEN TRAIL (B-E): MANY BLOOMS— Hawkweed*, Mountain Laurel* (amazing display on the mid sections of this trail), Partridge Berry*, Sweet Shrub.  SOME BLOOMS—Bar Cucumber, Blackberry, Dog Hobble, Foam Flower (AG), Galax (JSB), Hispid Buttercup*, Star Grass*, Sweet White Violet, Valerian, Meadow Parsnip, Maple Leaf Viburnum*.  FEW BLOOMS—Catesby Trillium, Common Cinquefoil, Crested Dwarf Iris (AG), Four Leaf Milkweed, Indian Cucumber Root, Little Brown Jugs, Long Spurred Violet (AG), Lyre Leaf Sage (AG), Miami Mist*, Red Clover*, Robins Plantain (AG), Rue Anemone, Star Chickweed, Vasey Trillium, Wild Geranium (AG), Yellow Trillium (AG).

SCHOOL HOUSE GAP TRAIL (B TO TURKEY PEN TRAIL): MANY BLOOMS—Canadian Violet, Mountain Laurel*, Star Grass*.  SOME BLOOMS—Blackberry (APB), Common Cinquefoil*, Daisy Fleabane, Lyre Leaf Sage, Sweet White Violet, Valerian.  FEW BLOOMS—Bar Cucumber, Foam Flower (AG), Hooked Buttercup, Red Clover*, Yellow Wood Anemone*.

BOTE MOUNTAIN TRAIL (B TO FINELY CANE TRAIL): MANY BLOOMS—Blue Eye Grass* (I have never seen so many at any one location), Hawkweed*, Mountain Laurel*, Partridge Berry*.  SOME BLOOMS—Common Cinquefoil*, Golden Ragwort, Lyre Leaf Sage, Star Grass*, Valerian.  FEW BLOOMS—Crested Dwarf Iris (AG), Daisy Fleabane, Dog Hobble (AG), Galax, Lousewort (AG), Maple Leaf Viburnum*, Pennywort (AG), Red Clover*, White Clover *.

FINELY CANE TRAIL (B-E): MANY BLOOMS—Canadian Violet, Mountain Laurel*, Partridge Berry*, Sweet Shrub.  SOME BLOOMS—Blackberry (APB), Sweet White Violet.  FEW BLOOMS—Blue Eye Grass*, Daisy Fleabane (AG), Dog Hobble (AG), Foam Flower (AG), Galax (JSB), Lyre Leaf Sage, Rue Anemone, Yellow Trillium (AG). 

NOTE: The Mountain Laurel is mostly at peak bloom and breathtakingly beautiful on all four trails checked May 17. However, for a real treat take the turkey pen trail, and starting a little over a half-mile out the blooms are spectacular. It has been years since I have seen a comparable display of the Mountain Laurel. With the warm weather predicted later in the week the sooner a person gets on the trail the better.


May 13

PORTER CREEK TRAIL (B TO CAMPSITE #31): MANY BLOOMS—Canadian Violet (BP), Foam Flower (various stages), Meadow Parsnip*, Robins Plantain (AG), Sweet White Violet*, Wild Geranium (BP).  SOME BLOOMS—Blackberry, Daisy Fleabane (BP), Dog Hobble (BP), Golden Ragwort (BP), Stone Crop (BP).  FEW BLOOMS—Bar Cucumber, Bishop Caps (AG), Common Cinquefoil (BP), Indian Cucumber Root (various stages), Prostate Bluets (BP), Rue Anemone (BP), Squaw Root (AG), Valerian (JSB), Wild Phlox (BP), Yellow Trillium (BP).


MAY 10

ACE GAP TRAIL (B T0 OLD CAMPSITE #70): MANY BLOOMS—Blueberry (JSB), Catesby Trillium (BP), Flame Azalea*, False Solomon’s Seal (APB), Galax (JSB), Maple Leaf Viburnum*, Meadow Parsnip*, Mountain Laurel (abundant, various stages), Solomon’s Seal (BP), Star Grass*.  SOME BLOOMS—Blackberry (JSB), Robins Plantain (BP), Yellow Trillium (BP).  FEW BLOOMS—Bar Cucumber, Beard Tongue  (various stages), Common Cinquefoil (BP), Fire Pink (BP), Four Leaf Milkweed (JSB), Golden Ragwort (BP), Hawkweed (BP), Hispid Buttercup (BP), Indian Cucumber Root, 

Little Brown Jug (BP), Meadow Rue (BP), Partridgeberry (JSB), Rue Anemone (BP), Spiderwort (JSB), Stonecrop (BP), Sweet Shrub (BP), Valerian (JSB), Wild Geranium  (BP), Wood Vetch (BP), Yellow Mandarin (AG).



WEST PRONG (B-E): MANY BLOOMS—Blackberry (JSB), Canadian Violet (BP), Crested Dwarf Iris (various stages), Dog Hobble (BP), Hawkweed (BP). Mountain Laurel (JSB), Rue Anemone*, Yellow Trillium (AG). Sweet White Violet *.  SOME BLOOMS—Cancer Root (BP), Foam Flower (AG), Galax (JSB), Maple Leaf Viburnum (very attractive), Star Chickweed*, Stone Crop*, Vasey Trillium (various stages), Wild Oats (BP).  FEW BLOOMS—Bar Cucumber*, Common Cinquefoil (BP), Hooked Buttercup (APB), Little Brown Jugs (AG), Lyre Leaf Sage (BP), Long Spurred Violet (AG), Robins Plantain (BP), Star Grass*, Yellow Mandarin (AG).



RICH MOUNTAIN ROAD (Park Boundary to Indian Grave Trail): MANY BLOOMS— Wild Geranium  (exceptional quality), Canadian Violet (BP), Catesby Trillium (various stages), Daisy Fleabane*, Dwarf Crested Iris (BP), False Solomon’s Seal*, Hispid Buttercup*, Large-Flowered Trillium (BP), Meadow Parsnip*, Rue Anemone*, Solomon’s Seal (BP), Star Grass, Stone Crop*, Sweet Shrub (BP).  SOME BLOOMS— Blackberry (JSB), Fire Pinks*, Robins Plantain (BP), Squaw Root (APB), Trillium Erect (BP), Wild Oats (BP). Wood Vetch (BP), Yellow Trillium*.  FEW BLOOMS—Bowman’s Root (BP), Common Blue Violet*, Dogwood*, Flame Azalea*, Golden Ragwort, Lousewort (AG), Lyre Leaf Sage (AG), Mountain Laurel, Red Clover*, Sweet Cicely (AG), Umbrella Magnolia, White Clover*, Wild Comfrey (various stages), Wild Strawberry*, Yellow Buckeye.  NOTE—Sow with three cubs seen in the woods above the road. No problem with them. 

INDIAN GRAVE TRAIL (FROM RICH MOUNTAIN ROAD TO RICH MOUNTAIN TRAIL): MANY BLOOMS—Canadian Violet (BP), Hispid Buttercup*, Large-Flowered Trillium  (BP), May Apple*, Meadow Parsnip*, Rue Anemone*, Squaw Root (APB), Star Grass*, Trillium Erect (BP), Wild Geranium (various stages).  SOME BLOOMS—Blackberry  (JSB), Catesby Trillium (various stages), Common Cinquefoil*, False Solomons Seal  (APB), Flame Azalea* (brilliant), Solomons Seal (BP), Star Chickweed*, Sweet Shrub  (BP), Wood Vetch  (BP), Yellow Trillium*.  FEW BLOOMS—Creamy Yellow Violet*, Halberd Leaf Violet, Hooked Buttercup, Lousewort (BP), Low Hop Trefoil (JSB), Wild Strawberry (APB), Yellow Mandarin (BP).

RICH MOUNTAIN TRAIL (B-E): MANY BLOOMS—Catesby Trillium (various stages), Hispid Buttercup*, May Apple*, Meadow Parsnip*, Rue Anemone*, Squaw Root*, Star Grass* (colorful), Sweet White Shrub (BP), Trillium Erect (BP), White Flowered Trillium (BP), Wild Geranium (various stages). SOME BLOOMS—False Solomon’s Seal (JSB), Flame Azalea*, Hawkweed, Solomon’s Seal (BP), Star Chickweed*, Stone Crop*, Sweet White Violet*.  FEW BLOOMS—Common Cinquefoil (BP), Fire Pink (BP), Four Leaf Milkwort (JSB), Hooked Buttercup (APB), Wood Vetch (AG).


LUMBER RIDGE TRAIL (B-E): MANY BLOOMS—Cancer Root (BP), Common Cinquefoil*, Crested Dwarf Iris (BP), Daisy Fleabane*, Dog Hobble*, Flame Azalea Hawkweed*(brilliant yellow), Meadow Parsnip*, Mountain Laurel (JSB), Rue Anemone*, Squaw Root Most (BP), although some are (JSB), Star Chickweed (BP), Star Grass* (very colorful).  SOME BLOOMS—Black Berry (JSB), Blue Berry (JSB), Common Blue Violet*, False Solomon’s Seal (APB), Long Spurred Violet (BP), Solomon’s Seal (BP), Sweet White Violet*, Wild Oats (BP), Yellow Mandarin (BP), Yellow Trillium*.  FEW BLOOMS—Foam Flower (BP), Galax (JSB), Halberd Leaf Violet (BP), Hooked Buttercup, Lousewort (BP), Lyre Leaf Sage (BP), Pennywort, Plantain Leaf Pussytoe (AG), Toothwort Well (BP), Umbrella Magnolia, White Clover*.



RICH MOUNTAIN LOOP TRAIL (B-E): MANY BLOOMS—Common Cinquefoil*, Crested Dwarf Iris (BP), Dogwood*, Hispid Buttercup*, Rue Anemone*, Star Chickweed*, Star Grass*, Stone Crop (BP), Violet Wood Sorrel*, Wild Comfrey (JSB), Wild Oats (BP).  SOME BLOOMS—Blackberry (JSB), Catesby Trillium (BP), Common Blue Violet, Daisy Fleabane (various stages), Hooked Butter Cups (APB), Lyre Leaf Sage (BP), Squaw Root, Wild Geranium (APB), Wood Violet (APB), Yellow Trillium*, Yellow Wood Sorrel.  FEW BLOOMS—Cancer Root (BP), Meadow Parsnip (APB), Purple Phacelia, Wood Anemone*, Yellow Mandarin.

INDIAN GRAVE TRAIL (FROM RICH MOUNTAIN LOOP TRAIL TO CROOKED ARM TRAIL): MANY BLOOMS—Common Cinquefoil*, Rue Anemone*, Service Berry (BP), Star Chickweed*, Star Grass*, Wood Violet (APB).  SOME BLOOMS—Common Blue Violets, Wild Oats (BP).  FEW BLOOMS—Plantain Leaf Pussytoe Well (BP), Toothwort (BP), Trailing Arbutus (AG).

CROOKED ARM TRAIL (B-E): MANY BLOOMS—Common Cinquefoil*, Crested Dwarf Iris (BP), Dogwood (BP), Rue Anemone*, Stone Crop (BP), Star Chickweed*, Star Grass*, Violet Wood Sorrel (APB), Wild Oats Slightly (BP), Wood Vetch (BP), Wood Violet*.  SOME BLOOMS—Blackberry (JSB), Common Blue Violet, Daisy Fleabane (various stages), Meadow Parsnip (APB), Service Berry (BP), Squaw Root (various stages).  FEW BLOOMS—Cancer Root (BP), Catesby Trillium (BP), Lyre Leaf Sage (BP), Sweet White Violets, Wild Comfrey (JSB), Wood Anemone*, Yellow Trillium (BP), Wild Geranium (APB).



WILDFLOWER REPORT LOWER MOUNT CAMMERER TRAIL (B TO CAMPSITE #32): MANY BLOOMS—Bishop Caps (various stages), Canadian Violet*, Crested Dwarf Iris (BP), Dogwood*, Foam Flower*, Large Flowering Bellwort (APB), Meadow Parsnip*, Nodding Trillium (various stages), Rue Anemone*, Sweet White Violet*, Wild Geranium (JSB), Wild Phlox Slightly (BP), Yellow Mandarin*, Yellow Trillium*.  SOME BLOOMS—Common Blue Violet*, Common Cinquefoil, Dwarf Ginseng*, Hispid Buttercup*, Hooked Buttercup*, Solomon’s Seal (APB), Spotted Mandarin*, Stone Crop*, Toothwort (various stages), Trailing Arbutus (BP), Trillium Erect*, Wild Oats*. FEW BLOOMS—Creamy Yellow Violets (APB), Halberd Leaf Violet (BP), Vasey Trillium, Vernal Iris*, Wood Violet (APB).




LAKE TRAIL (B TO DARK HOLLOW TRAIL): MANY BLOOMS— Crested Dwarf Iris*, Daisy Fleabane (various stages) Prostate Bluet (BP), Rue Anemone*, Star Chickweed*, Wild Phlox*  SOME BLOOMS—Common Blue Violet, Common Cinquefoil,  Dogwood (BP), Hawkweed, Pinxter Flower (various stages)  FEW BLOOMS—Blue Berry (JSB), Hispid Buttercup, Little Brown Jugs, Wild Oats, Wood Vetch, Yellow Trillium*

DARK HOLLOW TRAIL (FROM LAKE TRAIL TO BIG VALLEY TRAIL): MANY BLOOMS— Crested Dwarf Iris*, Golden Ragwort*, Prostate Bluet (BP), Rue Anemone*, Star Chickweed*, Wild Phlox*  SOME BLOOMS—Common Blue Violet,  Dogwood (BP), Pinxter Flower (various stages), Robin’s Plantain (BP), Wild Geranium*  FEW BLOOMS—Common Cinquefoil, Foam Flower*, Little Brown Jugs, Solomon’s Seal (JSB), Spring Beauty*, Star Grass*, Violet Wood Sorrel (JSB), Wood Vetch*, Wood Violet*

BIG VALLEY TRAIL (B TO DARK HOLLOW TRAIL): MANY BLOOMS—Prostate Bluet (BP)  SOME BLOOMS—Dogwood (BP), Crested Dwarf Iris*, Pinxter Flower (BP), Rue Anemone*, Stone Crop*, Wild Geranium*  FEW BLOOMS—Common Blue Violet, Foam Flower*, Star Grass*,  Violet Wood Sorrel (JSB), Wild Oats, Wood Vetch*, Yellow Trillium*  

NOTES: The Pinxter Flowers are absolutely beautiful-some light pink, some bright pink. I do not recall seeing them but at three location in the Smokies. If you get a chance to get out to Big Ridge I believe you will be very pleased. 



LEAD COVE TRAIL (B-E): MANY BLOOMS—, Catesby Trillium*, Crested Dwarf Iris (various stages), Foam Flower*, Rue Anemone*, Squaw Root (APB), Sweet White Trillium (APB), Sweet White Violet*, Yellow Trillium*  SOME BLOOMS—Common Blue Violet, Dog Hobble (JSB), Meadow Rue (BP), Purple Cohosh (BP), Yellow Mandarin (APB)  FEW BLOOMS—Canadian Violet (BP), Common Cinquefoil (BP), Halberd Leaf Violet (BP), Little Brown Jugs, Silver Bells (BP), Solomon’s Seal (JSB), Wild Oats*, Trout Lily (BP), Wood Violet

BOTE MOUNTAIN TRAIL (FROM LEAD COVE TRAIL TO FINELY CANE TRAIL): MANY BLOOMS—Rue Anemone*, Squaw Root (APB) SOME BLOOMS—Common Blue Violet, Dogwood*, Solitary Plantain (AG), Sweet Shrub*, Trailing Arbutus (BP), Yellow Trillium*  FEW BLOOMS—Common Cinquefoil (AG), Hooked Buttercup, Silver Bells (BP), Star Grass*, Wood Violet

FINELY CANE (B-E): MANY BLOOMS—Bishop Caps (BP), Catesby Trillium*, Crested Dwarf Iris (various stages), Foam Flower* (massive displays), Long Spurred Violet (BP), Purple Cohosh (BP), Rue Anemone* (massive display), Star Chickweed*, Sweet White Trillium (APB), Sweet White Violets*, Toothwort (BP), Trillium Erect*  SOME BLOOMS—Common Blue Violet, Dogwood (BP), Large-Flowered Bellwort*, Sweet Cicely, Sweet Shrub*, Vernal Iris*, Yellow Mandarin*, Yellow Trillium*  FEW BLOOMS—Cancer Root, Common Cinquefoil (AG), Dog Hobble (JSB), Doll Eyes, Halberd Leaf Violet (AG), Hooked Buttercup, Little Brown Jugs*, Silver Bells*, Solomon’s Seals (JSB), Wood Anemone*

NOTES: Three trilliums had dark burgundy/purple blooms shaped like the yellow trillium blooms. The blooms appear much like a Sweet Betsy in one wildflower book.



OLD SUGARLAND’S TRAIL (B-E): MANY BLOOMS—Common Blue Violets*, Common Cinquefoil* (like a ground cover in some areas), Crested Dwarf Iris*, Dogwood*, Long Spurred Violets (slightly past peak bloom, at peak at higher elevation), Robins Plantain*, Star Chickweed*, Sweet White Violet*, Yellow Trillium*. SOME BLOOMS—Large Flowered Trillium*, Meadow Parsnip (JSB), Rue Anemone*, Sweet Shrub (PB), Toothwort (BP, at higher elevation some are at peak bloom), Wild Geraniums (APB), Wild Phlox, Wild Strawberry*. FEW BLOOMS—Bishop Caps (BP), Brook Lettuce*, Daisy Fleabane (JSB), Dog Hobble (JSB), Foam Flower, Hispid Buttercup (APB), Hooked Buttercup (APB), Little Brown Jugs, Pennywort (various stages), Seersucker Sedge (BP), Solitary Plantain (AG), Stonecrop (JSB), Vernal Iris*



LITTLE RIVER TRAIL (B TO CUCUMBER GAP TRAIL): MANY BLOOMS—Bishop Caps*, Celandine Poppy (BP), Common Blue Violet*, Frazer Sedge (BP), Large-Flowered Trillium (APB), Rue Anemone*, Star Chickweed*, Sweet White Trillium (APB), Sweet White Violets*, Wild Ginger*, Yellow Trillium*. SOME BLOOMS—Brook Lettuce (JSB), Halberd Leaf Violet (JSB), Hepatica, Spring Beauty (BP), Toothwort (BP). FEW BLOOMS—Foam Flower (JSB), Hooked Buttercup (JSB), Large-Flowered Bellwort, Seersucker Sedge (BP), Toothwort (BP), Trout Lily (BP), White Fringed Phacelia*, Wild Phlox (JSB), Wood Anemone (APB). 

CUCUMBER GAP TRAIL (B-E): MANY BLOOMS—Frazier Sedge (slightly past peak bloom), Halberd Leaf Violet*, Long Spurred Violet (BP), Rue Anemone*, Spring Beauty (BP), Star Chickweed*, Sweet William Trillium (APB), Trout Lily*, Wood Anemone*, Yellow Trillium (various stages). SOME BLOOMS—Common Blue Violet*, Foam Flower (various stages in blooming process), Hepatica*, Large-Flowered Trillium (APB), Sweet White Violets*, Toothwort (BP). FEW BLOOMS—Creamy Yellow Violet*, Seersucker Sedge (BP), Wild Phlox (JSB), Yellow Mandarin (JSB). 

NOTES: Excellent display on the first mile and a half of Little River Trail and about midway across Cucumber Gap Trail. The display of the Sweet William Trillium and Large Flowered Trillium on the hillsides both below and above the trail on Little River Trail is very well worth the walk. Outstanding display of Wood Anemone about halfway up the trail—hillsides covered with these flowers at peak bloom.  Much of the mid-section of Cucumber Gap trail has outstanding displays of the White Trillium, Trout Lily, Wood Anemone, and Rue Anemone both above and below the trail—the best display of Trout Lily that I have seen in the national park in years. With Porter Creek Trail not accessible at this time the Little River/Cucumber Gap/Jakes Creek loop should be a treat for the wildflower lovers.



BULL HEAD TRAIL UP TO PULPIT: MANY BLOOMS—Dutchmen’s Breeches*, Halberd Leaf Violet (APB), Large-Flowered Trillium (APB),  S, Rue Anemone*, Seersucker Sedge (BP), Spring Beauty (APB), Squirrel Corn*, Star Chickweed*, Trailing Arbutus (BP). SOME BLOOMS—Bishop Caps (APB), Common Blue Violet. FEW BLOOMS—Hepatica*, Lousewort (JSB), Tassel Rue (APB), Solitary Pussy Toe (BP), Sweet White Violets, Toothwort-, Wood Violet-, Yellow Trillium (various stages in the blooming cycle). 

NOTES: Because of the elevation gain the status of the blooms varied according to the elevation. It is truly amazing and very encouraging to see how the Rhododendron, Mountain Laurel, and Pine Trees are coming back after the 2016 wildfire. Also, some of the views after the fire about two miles up the trail are absolutely breath taking. Very scenic—well work the steep hike up there.



HUSKEY GAP TRAIL FROM US 441 TO HUSKEY GAP: MANY BLOOMS— Dutchmen’s Breeches (APB), Large-Flowered Bellwort (APB appear to be affected by the cold snap); Large Flowered Trillium (APB cold weather appears to be doing a number on them), Rue Anemone*, Squirrel Corn*, Yellow Trillium (various stages in blooming process). SOME BLOOMS—Common Blue Violets, Halberd Leaf Violets, Hepatica, Meadow Rue, Star Chickweed, Trillium Erect, Trailing Arbutus (last tenth of a mile), Wood Anemone (drooping badly cold weather). FEW BLOOMS—Creamy Yellow Violets, Sweet White Violets, Toothwort. 

NOTES: A large number of the Trillium were drooping because of the cold temperatures.  My estimate is that the peak bloom for this section of the trail will be about a week from now depending on the weather; however, it is still rewarding to observe the flowers on this trail. Spring beauties budded (believe that they would have been blooming if the temps had been higher.  Purple Cohosh budded – probably a week to 10 days from blooming depending on the weather).  Purple Cohosh budded – probably a week to 10 days from blooming depending on the weather.


METCALF BOTTOMS TRAIL (B-E): Halberd Leaf Violet (JSB), Rue Anemone*, Star Chickweed*, Sweet White Violet (JSB), Wood Anemone (JSB), Wood Vetch (various stages in the blooming cycle), Yellow Trillium-.

WALKER SISTERS CABIN TRAIL (B-E): Common Blue Violet (JSB), Halberd Leaf Violet (JSB), Robins Plantain (JSB), Rue Anemone*, Solitary Pussytoe, Wood Anemone-, Wood Vetch (various stages in the blooming cycle), Yellow Trillium-.

LITTLE BRIER TRAIL (B-E): Common Blue Violet (JSB), Halberd Leaf Violet (JSB), Lousewort (JSB), Star Chickweed*, Trailing Arbutus*, Wild Geranium (JSB).

LITTLE GREENBRIER TRAIL (B TO LITTLE BRIER TRAIL): Plantain Leaf Pussytoe (BP), Trailing Arbutus (various stages in the blooming cycle).



CHESTNUT TOP TRAIL (B-E): MANY BLOOMS—Bishop Caps*, Blood Root (BP), Halberd Leaf Violet (starting about one and a half miles up the trail – approaching peak bloom), Hepatica*, Long Spurred Violet*, Rue Anemone*, Solitary Pussytoe (various stages depending on elevation), Spring Beauty*, Star Chickweed*, Trailing Arbutus*. SOME BLOOMS—Stonecrop (JSB), Toothwort (varying stages). FEW BLOOMS—Bowman’s Root (one patch), Common Blue Violet, Meadow Parsnip (JSB), Purple Phacelia (appears that will be a massive display in the next week or so), Sweet White Trillium (JSB), Trillium Erect (JSB), Wood Vetch, Yellow Trillium (will be many blooms in the next week or two).



BIG CREEK TRAIL – B TO CAMPSITE #37: MANY BLOOMS—Blood Root*, Halberd Leaf Violet, Rue Anemone*, Spring Beauty (APB), Star Chickweed, Yellow Trillium (not at peak yet). SOME BLOOMS—Common Blue Violet, Golden Ragwort, Long Spurred Violet, Seersucker Sedge (PB), Sweet White Violet, Toothwort, Wild Geranium. FEW BLOOMS—Creamy Yellow Violet, White Fringed Phacelia (JSB). ONE BLOOM—Fire Pink (over the embankment on the left about .4 tens of a mile up trail), Hispid Buttercup, Wood Anemone.



ABRAMS FALLS TRAIL – FROM CADES COVE TO THE FALLS: MANY BLOOMS—Plantain Leaf Pussytoes (various stages), Solitary Pussytoes, Trailing Arbutus* (some of the pink blooms are outstanding). SOME BLOOMS—Halberd Leaf Violet, Star Chickweed. FEW BLOOMS—Common Blue Violet, Common Cinquefoil, Sweet White Violet. ONE BLOOM—Little Brown Jug.



RIVER BLUFF TRAIL – NORRIS DAM: MANY BLOOMS—Spring Beauty*, Toothwort*, Bloodroot* and Harbinger of Spring. SOME BLOOMS—Hepatica* ONE BLOOM—Seersucker Sedge and Golden Ragwort (JSB).



WEST PRONG TRAIL (B-E): PEAK BLOOM—Hepatica+, Seersucker Sedge+, Spring Beauty+, Halberd Leaf Violet+, Star Chickweed-, Trailing Arbutus-, Plantain Leaf Pussytoe -, Rue Anemone-. FEW BLOOMS—Long Spurred Violet. ONE BLOOM—Bloodroot. Best display of blooms on the first half of the mile of trail from Treemont.



LAUREL FALLS TRAIL TO LITTLE GREENBRIER TRAIL: A few Plantain Leaf Pussytoes were in bloom and one Long Spurred Violet.



CHESTNUT TOP TRAIL: Spring Beauty, Frazer Sedge, Star Chickweed, and Hepatica. There are a few Long Spurred Violets and Plantain Leaf Pussytoes in bloom. Please note that there are two large blowdowns on this section of the trail that might be a challenge to some.



LUMBER RIDGE TRAIL: Plantain Leaf Pussytoe (JSB)

Great Smokies

Welcome Center

Hours of Operation

(subject to change)

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January - February

Open Daily 9:00 am - 4:30 pm

March - November

Open Daily 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Open Daily 9:00 am - 4:30 pm

The Great Smokies Welcome Center is located on U.S. 321 in Townsend, TN, 2 miles from the west entrance to Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Visitors can get information about things to see and do in and around the national park and shop from a wide selection of books, gifts, and other Smokies merchandise. Daily, weekly, and annual parking tags for the national park are also available.

Physical Address

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