“While born of necessity, these handmade covers were things of beauty, created with care and love, and each and every one telling stories of people’s lives.” Rose Houk
This Smokies Life published book includes six traditional quilt patterns you can make yourself. Filled with stories of quilts and quilters from the Walker Sisters to modern day. Features color photos of quilts and quilting equipment. By Rose Houk, 68 pages, softcover.
All proceeds generated through the sale of Smokies Life merchandise go to Great Smoky Mountains National Park to support projects and services.
“While born of necessity, these handmade covers were things of beauty, created with care and love, and each and every one telling stories of people’s lives.” Rose Houk
This Smokies Life published book includes six traditional quilt patterns you can make yourself. Filled with stories of quilts and quilters from the Walker Sisters to modern day. Features color photos of quilts and quilting equipment. By Rose Houk, 68 pages, softcover.
All proceeds generated through the sale of Smokies Life merchandise go to Great Smoky Mountains National Park to support projects and services.
The Great Smokies Welcome Center is located on U.S. 321 in Townsend, TN, 2 miles from the west entrance to Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Visitors can get information about things to see and do in and around the national park and shop from a wide selection of books, gifts, and other Smokies merchandise. Daily, weekly, and annual parking tags for the national park are also available.
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