Award-winning Wild & Furry Animals of the Southern Appalachian Mountains, written & illustrated by renowned artist Lee James Pantas, is an enchanting collection of wonderful creatures found in this beautiful realm. The Southern Appalachian Mountains, stretching from West Virginia to Alabama, are home to an amazing and diverse group of mammals, both large and small, from the astonishing Star-Nosed Mole and the adorable Southern Flying Squirrel to the mythical Black Bear and playful River Otter.
Full page, exquisite pen & ink illustrations accompanied by key information and little known “fun facts” bring some of the most extraordinary animals in America’s southern mountains to life. The compact size of the book, with a notes section, also allows it to serve as a field guide as well.
All proceeds generated through the sale of Smokies Life merchandise go to Great Smoky Mountains National Park to support projects and services.
Award-winning Wild & Furry Animals of the Southern Appalachian Mountains, written & illustrated by renowned artist Lee James Pantas, is an enchanting collection of wonderful creatures found in this beautiful realm. The Southern Appalachian Mountains, stretching from West Virginia to Alabama, are home to an amazing and diverse group of mammals, both large and small, from the astonishing Star-Nosed Mole and the adorable Southern Flying Squirrel to the mythical Black Bear and playful River Otter.
Full page, exquisite pen & ink illustrations accompanied by key information and little known “fun facts” bring some of the most extraordinary animals in America’s southern mountains to life. The compact size of the book, with a notes section, also allows it to serve as a field guide as well.
All proceeds generated through the sale of Smokies Life merchandise go to Great Smoky Mountains National Park to support projects and services.
The Great Smokies Welcome Center is located on U.S. 321 in Townsend, TN, 2 miles from the west entrance to Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Visitors can get information about things to see and do in and around the national park and shop from a wide selection of books, gifts, and other Smokies merchandise. Daily, weekly, and annual parking tags for the national park are also available.
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